Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Another busy day..

Had another busy day and got a ton of stuff done. Got the rest of the kids presents wrapped, paid some bills, got our christmas cards in the mail, got the house picked up, and got a pedicure for the big party in 3 days. Still have a couple of things to do tonight such as work on photography, and make a to-do list for tomorrow. No rest for the wicked at this time of the year.

The doctor thought my ear was healing wonderfully. I had to get some ear drops to help continue healing the graft but he was very pleased with it.

Hubby's Christmas party is in 3 days. I am so nervous and so excited. I am almost ready and will finish everything up tomorrow.

Time for me to get back to the photography books. Have a great evening.

Also thought I would share a picture from our trip to Florida this past September.