Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friday we went to Ikea and it was awesome..we got so much stuff to redo the house with. A new bookshelf, spice racks, knife holder, lazy susan, bowls, just tons of stuff for very little money. We spent all night friday cleaning and orgazining. We took 8 bags of trash out of the kitchen and dining room.

the rest of the weekend was spent oranizing and cleaning, but it was fun to get it done. And feels so refreshing..
Pics of thew new area coming soon!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Quiet

It's not often with four kids and four dogs I get to enjoy the peace and quiet but that's exactly what I am doing right now. Hubby took the kids to the library and the dogs are all sleeping. I am relaxing and enjoying the fact that I don't have to work for 3 days and tomorrow I get to spend the whole day with my husband. It's our big trip to Ikea. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Facebook--that is my addiction in one word. I love finding old friends and staying in touch with current friends and family. I love I can get on their from my iphone while at work. I just love facebook.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Only four days of work this week then hubby and I are embarking on alittle road trip to Ikea..and I'm gonna get me one of these to redecorate my dining room..

and hopefully a cabinet for our movies and game systems stuff. I am so excited. It starts getting warm and I just want the house totally clean and to start new projects. Just need to get through the next three days of work..

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Wow it's been along time since I posted here but am going to give it another shot and see how it goes. I am working on changed things up a bit so please be patient.