Monday, December 18, 2006

6 days til Christmas..

and the list just keeps getting smaller.. and yet I keep adding to it. It's a never ending cycle but that's okay because I was asked by my friend Brooke to make a canvas for her father.
In August or September Brooke's Dad was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia. It has been an up and down battle but with lots of prayers and good thoughts I know he can win this battle. Someone posted this on her Dad's website and since then it has just stuck with me..


Brooke and I have been friends a long time and we have been through everything togther from being pregnant together, raising our kids together, divorces, deaths, alot of stuff. So Brooke I want to know that I love you, Dan (sometimes okay I love you all the time.) and the kids with all my heart and I am here for you no matter what.. If you need to yell, scream, cry or have a good laugh (pj get your priorities straight..sorry just alittle inside joke between us) I am here for you. And I know how tough stubborn you and your Dad are..
Brooke I am honored to make the time to get this canvas done.. and no matter what it will get done by Christmas day so you can give it to your Dad and Stepmom.

Other Random Stuff:
I did get lots of other things done today.. Brooke and I spend the morning running around..finally made it pick up the pictures we needed for Christmas gifts, got a ornament for the Christmas Party tomorrow night, did lunch and came home and picked up the house.
Tonight was Kinsey's Choir Concert and as always it was wonderful. I love seeing the kids up on stage singing their hearts out and boy can Kinsey sing.
Well back to watching my Bengals kick Indy's butt(at least I hope they do). And remember above all else to tell those you love how much you do love them and hug them. We are only guaranteed today..tomorrow is a gift..