Sunday, December 31, 2006


Wow two posts in one day. I just wanted to take a moment and post a couple of things..

First of all for those who were wondering Brooke's Dad was taken back to the hospital. He is doing much better so hopefully he will come home in a couple of days.

Also I hope everyone has a very Happy New Years. I am going to wake up tomorrow morning and decide it's a new year with new goals, dreams and hopes. I am going to do everything to make this the best year ever for my family and my friends.

Our plans for tonight are staying in with our kids and friends. We hate going out new year's eve. So for those of you going out tonight be safe and don't drink and drive. I will be sure to share some pictures from tonight tomorrow sometime.

2006 Challenge

{2006 in review}
Found this challenge and wanted to answer the questions myself and post them here goes nothin..

1. What did you do in 2006 that you had never done before? I flew on an airplane. I took my first airplane ride in April to St. Louis then followed that one up with 2 more trips on an airplane

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for 2007? I made goals but not really resolutions and I accomplished some. This year I really want resolutions and goals.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes my friend Robin

4. Did anyone close to you die? Yes unfortunately my grandfather passed away in June

5. What countries did you visit? None
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? Less stress

7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? The day my grandfather died.

8.What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting on that airplane.

9. What was your biggest struggle? Letting the stress get to me this year.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I blew my eardrum out on our airplane ride home from florida and had to have surgery to repair it.

11. What was the best thing you bought? My laptop and canon digital rebel xt

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? My children for doing so well in school

13. Whose behavior appalled you? Athletes who got in trouble by the law

14. Where did most of your money go? Bills and our house

15.excited about this year? Hubby got a new job at Nestle 5 minutes from home

16. What song will always remind you of 2006? I have so many it would be hard to list them here.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, nicer or richer? Definitely happier

18. What do you wish you had done more of? Time
19. What do you wish you had done less of? Complaining and bitching to PJ and yelling at the kids.

20. Did you fall in love in 2006? Yes with PJ and the kids over and over again.

21. What was your favorite TV program? Grey's Atanomy and House

22. What was the best book you read this year? Wow I read so much I am not sure

23. What was your greatest musical discovery? I don 't know

24. What did you want and get? A nice digital slr camera and I got it.
25. What was your favorite film of the year? We just saw We Are Marshall and I have to say it's the best this year.

26. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn? Went out with friends and turned 33
27. What one thing would have made your year more satisfying? My family and friends

28. How would you describe your personal fashion statement this year? At home mostly jammies and comfy clothes and going out I am pretty up to date on fashions.

29. What kept you sane? Spending time with friends.

30. What celebrity did you fancy the most?Matthew McConaughy and Dale Earnhardt Jr.

31. What political issue stirred you the most? The war in Iraq

32. Who did you miss? My grandfather
33. Who were the best new people you met this year? The new people I met on CS.
33. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year. To always make sure to tell the ones you love everday how much you do love them.


Friday, December 29, 2006

Today will be low key but the rest of the weekend is gonna be a busy one.. Tomorrow I am having lunch with some wonderful friends. Then hubby is taking me to the movies to see We Are Marshall. Sunday is football and getting ready for New Year's Eve. Monday is New Year's Day Dinner at my Dad's. So busy weekend ahead. Yesterday I took Kinsey to the park to take some pictures of her and practice some. I am actually pretty pleased at how these turned out. Still need lots of practice but I am getting there.

I also wanted to mention Brooke's Dad is home from the hospital and doing much better!! Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts for them!!!
Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Good Morning

One more Christmas tonight and we are done, and then onto worrying about New Year's Eve. We are keeping it very low key this year. I know for sure my friend Brooke and her family are coming over, but not sure who else. We will just be having finger foods and drinking some wine and enjoy each other's company. It's all about good friends and good times this year.

Well I am officially unemployed after working for many years and truth be told I am scared to death. I don't know what to do from here. I have been doing daycare for 8 1/2 years and not sure what else I can do. I know I don't want to go work in a daycare center. The other problem is the 3 younger kids, yes they are in school all day but I just don't know what I would do with them in the summer. Can I find a good enough job to afford to pay for daycare in the summer and daycare before and after school. I know I am going to try my hardest but it's going to be hard. I would love to do photography full time but just not sure I am or will ever be good enough but I am going to try, because I just don't know what else to do.
Well better get busy!! I will share some pictures from our Christmas tonight as soon as I can.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas that is.. We do still have Christmas at my mom's but other than that we are done. I thougth I would share a few pictures. Here is Kinsey with her new ornament that PJ's aunt made.

Logan and Kylee goofing off in their new pajamas.
Brandon opening his new pajamas.

This is hubby Christmas morning after we had opened presents.

My little brother got a new dog and named the poor thing Troy (after the OSU quarterback).

Here are a couple of my Christmas presents.. Woohoo now I can golf all the time.
My Dad and Chris love to get us things from our childhood.

I also got tons of other cool things things. Sweaters, jeans, candles, a Dale Earnhardt Jr. mug, Grey's Atanomy Season 1 and 2, a beautiful necklace, a tripod for my camera.
It was truly a wonderful Christmas even if we are were alittle sad my Grandfather wasn't here to enjoy it with us. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Just think the new year is right around the corner.

Christmas that is.. we still have Christmas tomorrow at my Mom's but other than that it's over.
We had a great Christmas but a sad Christmas at the same time. This was our first Christmas without my Grandfather and it just wasn't quite the same. It's been alittle over 6 months and it's hard. I won't deny that one bit and then going down to OSU with Brooke the other night was even harder. I never thought it would hit me like that but it did but I was there for Brooke and her family so I just did my best to get through it. But dangit I miss that old man and my poor grandma is just having the hardest time. But we'll all get through it.

I will post more later with pictures from Christmas!!
Have a great day!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. The next couple of days will be very busy for us so wanted to do this while I had the chance. Remember to savor every moment you have with your family and tell them all how much you love them.

Another busy day..

The kids and I got up yesterday morning and got the whole house clean and ready for guests. Then we laid around and watched some Christmas movies. But by last night Brooke's Dad was getting worse so I kept her fiance's(Dan) 2 boys while they went to the hospital. Then Dan came and got the boys and I went to the hospital to be with her and bring her home. We ended up taking alittle detour and following her stepmom, brother and the ambulance to OSU. OSU has alot more resources than our hopsital so they transported him down their to stabilize him. They have very strict visiting hours so they visited and then we made the trip home. Brooke's poor stepmom is so using to be by Brooke's dad side all the time that the rigid visiting hours were very upsetting to her. I was devasted for her and could imagine having to go through what she is going through right now. So keep the prayers and good thoughts coming..we will not stop wishing for a miracle.

I am so excited for Christmas this year. Tomorrow officially kicks off Christmas for us. My IL's will come in for dinner and gift exchanging and then tomorrow night my Mom, stepdad and brother will come over to just hang out.
Christmas Day morning we will open presents with the kids and then just hang out for awhile. In the afternoon we will go to my Dad's for dinner and more gift exchanging.

On sad news after a very long time I am officially unemployed. Yesterday was my last day with my 2 daycare children. So it's either time to get my off my butt and get a job or get my butt in gear and do photography full time. So I am going to take the next week and really think about what I want to do.

Have a great day!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Didn't get much accomplished today. I was up til 3:00 am watching TV and chilling out and then woke up this morning with a headache. So just hung out with the kids at home and picked up the house alittle.
Not much else to report today.. Brooke's dad is doing better and hopefully will be home for Christmas.

Here is the canvas I made for him and his wife..I hope they like it!

Well back to watching some TV and vegging out on the couch. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day so I have to get rid of this headache.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

til the big day. I think except for one last little trip to Wal-Mart and cleaning I am done. It's feels so good to not be running around like a chicken with my head cut off this year.
I thought I would post alittle update tonight on Daisy and other stuff. Daisy thankfully just has a scratched cornea which unfortunately turned into a ulcer in her eye. They gave her some antibiotics, pain meds and a ointment for her eye. So it should be fine. I am in complete denial about her getting old and think she should just be here forever, but she is only 7 and so even though she drives me completely crazy sometimes I want her around for a lot more years.
It was another crazy day here. I got the canvas done for my friend and I hope that her, her father and stepmother love it. Also had Logan's school christmas party today and it was a ton of fun. Brooke's father has been in the hospital in alot of pain so we went over tonight to see what was going on and be with her stepmother. Finally they seem to be figuring out what is going on so hopefully they can get him fixed up and continue treatment. So continue those prayers and good thoughts.
Well I better get to bed so I can tackle some of the cleaning tomorrow. I will also post some pics from the last couple of days.

Wish me luck..

I have to take our Daisy dog to the vet this morning. Her eyes are very glassy looking and she is having some other problems. We have had Daisy since she was 6 weeks old and she is like on of our kids. Hopefully I get some good news and she has many more good years with us.

Monday, December 18, 2006

and the list just keeps getting smaller.. and yet I keep adding to it. It's a never ending cycle but that's okay because I was asked by my friend Brooke to make a canvas for her father.
In August or September Brooke's Dad was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia. It has been an up and down battle but with lots of prayers and good thoughts I know he can win this battle. Someone posted this on her Dad's website and since then it has just stuck with me..


Brooke and I have been friends a long time and we have been through everything togther from being pregnant together, raising our kids together, divorces, deaths, alot of stuff. So Brooke I want to know that I love you, Dan (sometimes okay I love you all the time.) and the kids with all my heart and I am here for you no matter what.. If you need to yell, scream, cry or have a good laugh (pj get your priorities straight..sorry just alittle inside joke between us) I am here for you. And I know how tough stubborn you and your Dad are..
Brooke I am honored to make the time to get this canvas done.. and no matter what it will get done by Christmas day so you can give it to your Dad and Stepmom.

Other Random Stuff:
I did get lots of other things done today.. Brooke and I spend the morning running around..finally made it pick up the pictures we needed for Christmas gifts, got a ornament for the Christmas Party tomorrow night, did lunch and came home and picked up the house.
Tonight was Kinsey's Choir Concert and as always it was wonderful. I love seeing the kids up on stage singing their hearts out and boy can Kinsey sing.
Well back to watching my Bengals kick Indy's butt(at least I hope they do). And remember above all else to tell those you love how much you do love them and hug them. We are only guaranteed today..tomorrow is a gift..

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Got Lots done..

I got a done of stuff done this and it feels great. I got the pictures edited and ordered and just need to pick them up tomorrow. Baked 15 dozen cookies and got them ready for the party Tuesday. Just need to finish up the recipe cards. Except for picking up a few things next weekend I got all the Christmas grocery shopping done. Got my dad and stepmom's gift basket put together. So still lots to do but am slowly getting it all done. I am determined not to freak out this year and whatever doesn't get done..just doesn't get done. Well football is on so I will leave with some super cute pictures..

Here is a picture of my friend Brooke's Dad and Stepmom dog.. Poor Autumn hates this coat so it quite interesting to get try to this picture.This is Brooke's dog Tanner.. yes we were torturing the poor dogs.

This is Brooke's stepson and I love this picture, even if I don't remember taking it.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I had a truly horrible week and just glad it's finally over. I am determined no matter what that next will be better. I plan on doing nothing but finishing my Christmas List this weekend and making 15 dozen chocolate cookies.
So lots to get done but I am really looking forward to it. Then next week is another busy weekend..not quite as busy as last week but still busy. Kinsey has choir concert Monday nigth and Tuesday I get to go see some of my favorite people at a Christmas Party/Cookie Exchange. It will be so nice to get out of the house and hang out with friends.
Tonight I am still working on editing some pictures and getting them ready for print. Other than that just watching some tv and hanging out with the family.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's crunch time on the Christmas List. See I haven't been able to get much done this week after dealing with lots of drama. I will spare you the gory details, but let's just say its not been fun.
So onto other things. Been running like crazy this week. Went back to the doctor about my ear and he said it's healing nicely and I don't have to go back for 2 weeks..woohoo!! Took Kinsey and Logan to the eye dr. Unfortunately Logan's lazy eye is getting worse and therefore making his good eye worse. So we have 2 options at this point 1. Wear glasses all the time 2. Contacts. We talked about in the office and Logan decided he wanted to try contacts. Okay so we went to get them in and he wouldn't cooperate at all. He would even let us hold his eye open. So we have another appt tomorrow to try putting the contacts in again. If that doesn't work he has no choice but wearing glasses all the time. I know this doesn't make him happy but it's what we have to do.
Been editing pictures from last weekend and learning lots of new things in photoshop. It's been tons of fun.
Also Kylee had her Christmas Choir Concert the other night and it was awesome. She looked so stinkin cute.

Back to editing pics so I can get them printed this weekend.

Chloe hates having her picture taken so I had to sneak the camera out so I could get this picture. Sometimes I think there is something wrong with this dog.. it's a good thing she's cute.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

13 days until Christmas... and of course the list is still a mile long. Slowly getting it all done but of course still adding more to it.

Took some pictures this weekend of my friend and her family, her brother and his girlfriend and also my neighbor's kids. I definitely have a lot to learn but as they say practice makes perfect. So I will just keep practicing, reading and playing. I have a lot of editing to do on them so just add one more huge thing to my list to do. I am hoping to have my whole list except for cleaning completely done by Sunday night. With 4 kids the cleaning always has to wait til the last minute but if I can get everything else done then I can clean a little bit each day and not run around trying to finish everything else.

I am so excited for Christmas this year. The girls went to a slumber party last weekend for one of the little girls I use to babysit for and they made the cutest gingerbread house. I haven't gotten the picture off my camera but will post a picture as soon as I do. Speaking of cameras I am really trying to get better at taking it with me everywhere I go so I can get in practice for taking a picture a day in 2007. I am hoping to take those pictures and put them in a scrapbook to see how my photos have gotten better(or maybe worse ) over the year.
Here is a picture of my friend Brooke and her family: ( the sun really killed us taking pictures that day)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I can't believe how fast this weekend flew by. Here's alittle recap from yesterday.
Left home and went to my neighbor's shop to get my hair done and a wax (oh the things we go though to be beautiful). While I was doing that hubby took his jacket back to Kohl's. Then of course we had to make a trip to the mall. We ate lunch and then headed to the bookstore. Got some great new books but of course not any good photography books. Then off to the hotel we went. We just hung out, I played with my camera and we started reading our new books.
Then we got ready for the party. I know these pictures need some editing done to them but for now they are the only ones I have. They did take a picture of us there so can't wait to get that back. We had a total blast at the party. Those people get crazy. Dinner was great, played some black jack, and texas hold'em and then just hang out with other co-workers talked and danced alittle.

I haven't be feeling very up to par this weekend think I might got a bug somewhere. Have a very busy week so hoping I am feeling much better tomorrow. Until next post..have a great night.

Friday, December 08, 2006

In 24 hours..

I will be at our first big holiday party. I am a big bundle of nerves right now and just want to get it over with and yet also have a great time and enjoy it while we are there. But I will have plenty to keep me busy tomorrow so that should out a lot. My friend and I did decide to move her photo shoot to Sunday since it is suppose to be almost 20 degrees warmer. Fingers crossed for me that her pictures turn out good.
Next week is shaping up to be a very busy week and still have lots to do to get ready for Christmas!! Oh that dang list I have created. I have got to get it finished and yet I still keep adding to it.
Calgon take me away.
Have a great weekend and I'll give a full update Sunday night sometime.

Here is another picture from our trip to Florida in September. I really wish we would have eaten here. Hubby and I are total sports people. We love Nascar and Football.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

This is what we woke up to this morning and the kids were going crazy. It was so funny this morning as they each crawled out of bed to hear them ask "Is there a delay, Is school cancelled?" To which I promplty burst their bubble by telling them Nope the roads are fine and there is school today. Boy were not happy to hear that. The roads weren't bad but the driveway was and I of course I walked out to get in the car and promptly fell on my bed and then laughed in hysterics. Why is it when someone falls down we just have the urge to laugh? Is everyone like this or is it just me?

Had another great day today. Still working on that Christmas list but it is getting considerably smaller. Thank goodness cuz the next two weeks are going to be crazy. Hubby's Christmas party is in 2 days and have I told you how excited I am?? LOL.. Then we have choir concerts, eye doctor appts, regular dr. appts, ortho appts., a cookie exchange and a photo shoot for friends.
Looks like I better try to finish off my list this weekend before everything gets very hectic.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Another busy day..

Had another busy day and got a ton of stuff done. Got the rest of the kids presents wrapped, paid some bills, got our christmas cards in the mail, got the house picked up, and got a pedicure for the big party in 3 days. Still have a couple of things to do tonight such as work on photography, and make a to-do list for tomorrow. No rest for the wicked at this time of the year.

The doctor thought my ear was healing wonderfully. I had to get some ear drops to help continue healing the graft but he was very pleased with it.

Hubby's Christmas party is in 3 days. I am so nervous and so excited. I am almost ready and will finish everything up tomorrow.

Time for me to get back to the photography books. Have a great evening.

Also thought I would share a picture from our trip to Florida this past September.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Stuff:

OMG Christmas is officially 20 days away.. WOW!! Crossing things off the list has been a wonderful feeling. Made yet another trip to Wal-Mart and picked up some stuff for stockings and other goodies. Also went to Home Depot to look at garage door openers for hubby for Christmas. He mentioned in passing that he would like one since he got his motorcycle. I just can't decide if I want to get it for him or let him just get it himself when it warms up alittle bit. I need to make a decision quick though so I can finish him up.
Also getting more and more in the spirit everyday. For years Christmas has really stressed me out to the point of being almost sick on Christmas Day and this year I just decided I am not going to let that happen. I am going to live in the moment and whatever happens, happens. In reality I am just so busy I don't have the time or energy to stress this year which is a wonderful thing.

Scrapbooking Stuff:

Still need to get some of those gifts done for Christmas. Been in the mood to scrapbook lately just haven't done much of it. Since all my stuff is in alittle corner of the kitchen it's just such a pain sometimes to drag it all out for a couple of hours. I did decide to sign up for a class at Big Picture Scrapbooking yesterday morning. It's Stacy Julian's class Library of Memories. Hopefully with this class I can get all my pictures and albums organized and actually start working on layouts again instead of altering everything in my site. I am really looking forward to it.

Family Stuff:

Everyone is doing great. Kinsey is busy, busy, busy with the play, woman's chorus and choir. Kylee is also busy with choir. Brandon and Logan are doing good as well. Hubby is on 1st shift this month..woohoo for me. I don't mind 2nd shift but with this month being so busy it just makes it extra nice. I just don't seem to get as much done as I want to when he is on 2nd.


I have my friend and her family to shoot this Saturday and am really nervous yet excited about this. I plan on locking myself in my room tonight and doing nothing but studying and getting ready. I need to write down all the different things I want to try and settings that might be useful. I still haven't decided if I am going to shoot in RAW or not so that decision needs to be made tonight too. I plan on learning all the great things on this camera no matter how long it takes.

Everything else:

Getting ready to head and go back to the Dr. for my follow up appointment after surgery last week. I am really anxious to see how the ear is healing up and if all the side effects I have been having are normal. So I'll keep you updated.

Monday, December 04, 2006

I can post pictures again. Like I said yesterday they had a little bit of everything there for the kids to do. They had cookie decorating, face painting, carciatures, craft area, lunch, and of course Santa complete with presents. The kids had a total blast and were so good while we were there. I was also talking to some of the other wives and they were telling me how amazing they adult party was. I am so excited and cannot wait to go this weekend.

I have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished today..NOTHING..NADA..I didn't sleep well last night so have just been a big bump on a log all day. Oh I have got to get working on my Christmas list.
Plus I have to do a photo shoot for my good friend and her family this weekend and do you think I have started working on that..NOPE. I have to get the photography books out tonight and study, study, study.

Here is Brandon decorating his gingerbread man.
Kylee with her Balloon Santa Face. The guy who did was amazing with those balloons.
Here is Logan waiting for his balloon. He got a snowman.

And Kinsey getting her carciature drawing. Which were just so neat.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Had a great time..

Today at the kids Christmas Party. They had everything there. It was just awesome and now I am even more excited about the adult party next weekend. I'll post more about it tomorrow when blogger will let me add pictures.

Christmas Journal

I decided that I am going keep all my thoughts and preparations here for the Christmas holidays and then add it to a journal after Christmas so I can always look back and remember.

I am off to a good start this year and not feeling frustrated with all I have to get done before the big day.Yesterday I got 6 little gift card tins made and organized my scrapbook stuff.

So today I am going to officially start a countdown and try to cross 3 or 4 things off my list everyday. Sounds pretty doable right?? Only time will tell but just to add in a little mix to the crazies this year we get to officially attend Christmas parties at hubby's work. Never ever not once since we have been married have we been to Christmas Parties. Isn't that sad?? Today is hubby's Christmas Party for the kids and I think I am more excited than they are. They are going to have Santa(of course), get presents, a clown, and a full meal. I hope they have fun and more importantly behave.

Next weekend is hubby's Christmas Party for the Adults.. Woohoo. I am so dang excited. I have lots of little things to do for that like get a wax, get my outfit ready, get a pedicure, and pack to spend the night at the hotel, but it will be so worth it.

So anyways back to my's a mile long right now but just going to keep smaller. I am determined to get it done and not scrambling at the last minute because this is a magical time of year and I want my kids to remember it forever.

I'll try to update when I get back tonight from the party. I hope to have some pictures to post then too, haven't had the camera out to much lately, bad scrapbooker. Hope everyone has a magical day!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Wow just Wow..

It's December 1st. Where has this year gone?? I remember being alittle girl and just thinking that year would never end. Now I'm a big girl with little ones of my own and I think wow where did the years go.
I look at the kids and think they can't be that old and yet they are and every year they just get older and older. Next year I will actually have a teenager. ACKKKKKK!! Someone send help quick cuz I think I am going to need it.

Now is the time I start really freaking out thinking, oh my goodness I have so much to get done before Christmas and it's time to get busy. So that's exactly what I plan on doing. I have tons of things to do and make before Christmas and I plan on doing every last one of them before Christmas gets here. So wish me luck.
And speaking of Christmas we got the kids exactly what was on their lists (and I got hubby exactly what he wanted on his list too!!) so I am even that more excited for Christmas to get here and see them open everything.
Tomorrow morning I will also be taking Logan over to his school for his Secret Santa and its going to be so much fun. I will have to make sure and take my camera to get lots of pics of him shopping.

Well it also looks like Winter is officially here. Cold, wet and rainy and will probably turn into snow. Ready or not here it comes.

Time to try to get some things checked off my list for today.

Almost forgot my Cincinnati Bengals beat the Ravens last night..We could still make the playoffs this year.. GO BENGALS!