Sunday, March 25, 2007

A busy busy week..

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. This week turned out to be very busy. I started my new job and love it. I miss not being on CS as much though. I also had to take the dog in for artifical insemination this week and Kinsey had a choir concert. Hopefully this week will be much calmer and I will be back to blogging regularly.
I was upstairs putting laundry away and came down to this. Kylee must have thought Chloe was cold.
Here is all my new clothes I got for work.
And the new shoes I got. don't mind the pea stain on the floor. Still haven't convinced hubby we need new carpet in our room.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blog Meme Deluxe

Favorite color: Pink
Favorite food: Pepper Steak and Rice
Favorite month: May- Spring is in the air and the weather is not to hot.
Favorite song: right now it's Sweet Escape
Favorite movie: Up Close and Personal
Favorite sport: Nascar
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite day of the week: Friday
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite time of the day: Morning-the start of a great day

Current mood: Tired and feeling sickly
Current taste: Nestle Crunch bar
Current clothes: workout pants, tank top and pink sweatshirt
Current desktop: junk
Current toenail color: red
Current time: 8:25 pm
Current surroundings: my family room
Current thoughts: I am tired and thinking about my new job

First best friend: Erika(yuck)
First kiss: Rob in 8th grade
First screen name: chris2rw2001
First piercing: my ears when I was about 8 yrsold
First pet: a poodle named Buffy
First crush: I don't even remember
First CD: Don't remember this either
Last cigarette: about 1/2 hour ago..
Last drink: Went out with the girls a couple of weeks ago and had a drink or 2
Last car ride: Shopping
Last kiss: Today before hubby went to work
Last movie seen: A movie with The rock in it but can't remember what it's called
Last phone call: talked to the DH about an hour ago
Last CD played: none for awhile

Have you ever date one of your best guy/girl friends: Yes
Have you ever broken the law: Yes.
Have you ever been arrested: No
Have you ever skinny dipped: Yes.
Have you ever been on TV: No
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know: No.

Thing you're wearing: my jammie pants, sweatshirt and t-shirt
Thing you've done today: shopped, lunch, nap, cleaned, bath, and played on computer
Thing you can hear right now: dogs barking, smallville
Thing you can't live without: love, my hubby, my kids and my friends(especially Trish and Brooke)
Thing you do when you are bored: read, play on computer
1. my house
2. kids school
3. Kohl's
4. Burger King

1. Hubby
2. Trish
3. Brooke

Black or white: both
Hot or cold: cold

Make a difference.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yesterday was a gorgeous day here. 70 and sunny and today it's rainy and yucky, and by this weekend they are expecting snow flurries here. That's Ohio weather for you.
I went Monday and met with the HR lady and officially start this Monday.This is a totally new chapter in my life and I am so nervous and yet so excited. Tomorrow Brooke and I are going shopping to get me business casual clothes and shoes. Shopping with Brooke is like pulling teeth..LOL so wish me luck.
Been getting lots of things done around here this week. Ran errands, got my nails done, cleaned out my car, played outside with the kids, got the house clean and am working on laundry. Have a few other things I want to get caught up on in the next few days so I don't have to try to play catch up next week.
And of course a post is very boring without a here are the girls yesterday jumping on the trampoline.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Got back this morning from my retreat. It was a great time. I got 20- 12x12 layouts done, 4-8x8 layouts done, laughed alot and got to sit and chat with my best buddy Trish(I am truly sorry you lost your fishy) for 4 days. It was so nice to get away and chat with adults and still get lots done. I haven't done a layout in forever and finally have my grove to do them and thank goodness because the pictures are starting to get out of control. I even came home this morning unpacked all my stuff and re-organized my scrapbook area so I am all ready to be creative again this week.
I guess your all also wondering about the job-- Well I am proud to say I GOT IT!!!
I go Monday morning to meet with the lady in HR. We will go over the employee handbook, policies, benefits and the final offer. I am so excited and can't wait to start. This will be a totally new change for me but it's one I am really looking forward to. I can't wait to actually have a reason to get up in the morning and get all dressed up with someplace to go.
Back to getting things done, enjoy this wonderful weather today!!
Here is a little picture from the retreat:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Had my 3rd interview yesterday and it was actually fun. I interviewed with the VP of the company and he asks very different questions but like I said fun. I also had to ask him 10 questions for them to answer so that was nice. I asked about how long it would take for the decision making process and he told me they would discuss it today and that the HR person would call me by the end of the week or the first of next week if they decide to make me an offer. Which means waiting.. and waiting some more. I don't want to get my hopes to high on this but I am very confident that they will offer me something. Keep your fingers crossed for me because I would love to have a job at this company.

In other news nothing else going on. Just getting ready to leave tomorrow morning for my retreat weekend. I am so excited I can't hardly stand it. This day will drag on forever.
As soon as I hear about the job you will hear about the job.. and don't forget to cross those fingers for me.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Is it time yet???

For my retreat that is. I got all my scrapbooking stuff packed and ready to go. I so need this time away. And I plan to get lots of layouts done.

Also last week I was all but depressed when I still never got the call for the 3rd Interview by Friday I had given up but then Friday around 3:45 she called and I go in Tuesday at 10:00. I am beyond thrilled and have been thinking all weekend about the questions he will ask and how best to answer them.Wish me luck. I would love to get this job.
We had a great weekend. Friday night hung out with the kids, Saturday the guys came over to play pool so the girls and I went out for a bit. Today has been a day of playing catch up. We got all the laundry done and put away, getting the kids paperwork for school tomorrow ready, downloading pictures, paying bills, and vegging out. It's gonna be another busy week here but it will all be worth it when I pack up the car and head out Thursday morning.
I'll try to update before I leave about how my interview went. Have a great week.
Also I was in the basement taking some pictures of the boys playing on the playstation and caught this shot of Brandon's hamster.