Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Hump Day

Not much exciting here over the last couple of days. Kinsey is home sick, had Logan's parent teacher conference last night(he is doing awesome in school), and have more parent teacher conferences tomorrow night.
Still no call for the follow up interview but I did send out homemade thank you cards yesterday so they won't forget about me.(wink)
Have a busy couple of weeks coming up--Kinsey ortho appt, more parent teacher conferences, company this weekend, a trip to the scrapbooking store and getting ready for my retreat. Whew busy busy time. But can't wait to go away next weekend and crop with my best buddy.
Here is another picture from Kinsey's play:

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Crazy few days..

It's been a whirlwind of running the past few days.
Friday I had to run some errands and then a job interview at 12:30. The interview went wonderful and she asked me to stay and interview with 2 managers that were hiring. My friend Heather (who works there and is a very old but great friend) and I went to lunch and then I came back for the next 2 interviews, they also went wonderful. I finally walked out of there at 3:00. I was beaming from ear to ear walking out of there. Heather even called me after work to let me know that they would be calling me for a final interview. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Had to come home from the interview get the kids ready, watch my friend Trish's girls and head off to Kinsey's play. It was wonderful. Those kids have some talent let me tell you. I went Friday night with the kids, my mom and stepdad and Saturday night with PJ, Logan, and the in-laws. I loved it!!
Both nights after the play we went out for dinner.

Saturday morning was also the CS garage sale and I made quite a bit of money.. woohoo!! But boy was I exhausted so I got in a nap before the play Saturday night.
So far today I have made my page for our CS retreat, got the house clean and worked on getting some stuff done. I still have a couple more things to get done for my scrapbooking retreat in 2 weeks and watch the race.
Keep your fingers crossed for me to get the call for the next interview.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My friend Brooke called at 8:00 am Monday morning for me to take her to the ER..what we thought was just a virus or gas turned into a cyst so the 20 minute surgery started @ 6:00. At 6:20 th doctor came out and informed us she was a mess inside they were removing her right ovary and they think they appendix burst so they would have to call in a general surgeon for that and surgery would be at least another hour, After 2 more hours the dr. came out and informed us it was a bigger mess than they could even imagine and they had to do a hystermony, remove her appendix and clean up in there and remove a cyst almost the size of a football. So after they got her settled into her room(with a tube up her nose and hooked up to every machine they own) I finally made it back home. Only 14 hours later..boy I love hospitals So this week I will not only have my 4 to shuffle, feed and get off to school but also Brooke's 2 so Dan can spend as much time with her in the hospital at night..
Brooke wasn 't doing very well when I stopped over last night but I called this morning and Dan said she is doing much better. I probably won't make it over today since they cancelled school again because of fog and black ice. So for today we might run some errands later, then spend a quiet day at home just hanging out.

Have a great day!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

My poor blog has been feeling so neglected lately so I thought I would come in and visit it awhile. We were bombarded with snow and cold last week so the kids and hubby were home alot. Oh goodness I was so glad when Thursday came and hubby went back to work and then Friday the kids finally went back to school. I was doing a happy dance to be able to have some quiet time even if for a few hours. Here is hubby getting in on the fun sledding with the boys.

Friday afternoon I went to Logan's school for his Valentines Day party which was super cute.

Then Friday night Kylee had a couple of friends spend the night for her birthday.

The rest of the weekend has been pretty low key. Just hanging out together, get the grocery shopping done. Today hubby has his weekly pool tournament and I am watching Nascar. Goooooooooo JR.
Until next time have a good day.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nascar is back...

The Nascar Season officially started yesterday and thank goodness. It was the Bud Shootout last night and today was qualifying for the Daytona 500 next weekend. I love the start of Nascar season. It's so exciting. I have watched Nascar as long as I can remember and get more excited every year. Dale Jr is my main man since Rusty Wallace retired. I love Jr's intensity. He is a tell it like it is kind of guy.
So I'll be counting the hours and minutes til the green flag falls next Sunday. Goooooooo Jr.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Here is a post I started Wednesday night and am now getting to it to finish it.It's been so cold here. So cold that the kids didn't have school Monday or Tuesday, and then 2 hour delayss the rest of this week. So it's been a crazy week around here.
Wednesday the Chloe and Daisy started fighting like crazy and it continued into Thursday morning which didn't start the day so good. I ended up getting the worst end of the deal. As I was trying to hold Daisy back and Brandon was trying to put a blanket over Chloe she bit me. After a trip to the er I am fine..Just still alittle shaken up. They didn't want to stitch or glue the bite marks for fear of infection so they cleaned them out real good and I had to get a tetanus shot. I am very sore and still having a hard time getting my hand to work but other than that I am okay. Now just have to wait and see if the Health Dept or Sheriff's Dept. show up. I really don't know why they have to since it's my dog but such is life. Chloe has to be quarantined in her cage unless hubby is home which kind of sucks but probably best for now til I calm down alittle more. Now don't get me wrong I love my dogs like my kids but that just scared me. Chloe and Daisy really are good dogs we think that Chloe is getting ready to go into heat and that brings out the fighting.
Logan had a music program last night and it was so cute. The kids show you a dance and then you get up there and do it with them. Since I had on my heals on I let PJ and Kinsey get up and dance with him. I hate to have PJ and Kinsey take pictures last night so I am kind of nervous to see how they turned out but I am not going to sweat the small stuff in life. I will post some pictures when I get them off the camera.
Have a busy weekend ahead, getting ready for our CS retreat, Kinsey's play practice, and getting ready for Valentine's Day.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Look what I caught Chloe doing last week.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Or better yet if you want to post mean and nasty messages to my blog then at least you can put your real name. Come on posting anonymously is for cowards. First of all don't you have something better to do with your time.. if not here are some great suggestions for you.. go play with children, go talk with your husband, go visit your family, volunteer somewhere, or better yet go stick your thumb up ass and sit and spin...

Now that I got that out I feel much better. I finally determined I am officially bored and need a job quick. I did go to a temp agency yesterday and got all registered so now just hope they call. I had to take some tests on the computer and let me tell you I don't think I did so good which is kind of ironic considering how much time I spend on the computer but I have never been much of a Microsoft Office fan anyways so I can just blame it on that (LOL).

Today I plan on getting ready for the CS garage sale, cleaning the house and getting pop tabs and pennies ready for the kids to take to school.

Have a great day!!